Below, find answers to frequently asked questions about the P2P program, scholarships, and more.
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What are the project deliverables?
A written report of less than 3,00 words, which includes sections such as problem landscape, systems map, proposed solutions, and bibliography
A live pitch of your findings and proposed solutions
What is the difference between a Team Leader and a Participant?
Team Leaders are students who lead a team through the P2P experience. Team Leaders will begin participating in October 2024 (Fall 2024 term) and have additional responsibilities. Participants are students who are part of a team and begin participating in December 2024 (Spring 2025 term).
Do you have to have participated in P2P in the past to be a team leader?
No. You can be new to the Problems to Possibilities (P2P) experience and still apply to be a team leader. Remember, student leaders must apply by September 13, 2024.
Do you have to be an NDSU student to participate?
No. P2P coordinators will work with undergraduate and graduate students from different schools to find an appropriate team. If you're from a different school and wish to participate, reach out to Onnolee Nordstrom at
Can distance students participate?
Yes. P2P coordinators will work with undergraduate and graduate distance students to find an appropriate team. If you're a distance student, reach out to Onnolee Nordstrom at
Does every participant get a scholarship?
Not necessarily. Team leaders are eligible for a scholarship up to $2,500* and participants are eligible for a scholarship up to $1,000*. All team leaders will automatically be considered for a scholarship based on their team leader application and interview. Participants must apply for a scholarship in January 2025. READ THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS BELOW.
*Scholarship Amounts: Scholarship amounts may not exceed the student's academic account balance. For example, if a participant is selected for a $1,000 scholarship but their account balance is only $500, the scholarship will only be for $500. Selected scholarship recipients will provide documentation of their academic account balance. Scholarships may not be split or deferred.
What are the scholarship eligibility requirements?
Application Completion: Team Leaders will automatically be considered for a scholarship based on their Team Leader Application. Participants who are not Team Leaders must apply for a scholarship in January 2025.
Program Completion: Students must be an active, contributing member of their team throughout the whole P2P experience to receive the scholarship. This is at the discretion of P2P coordinators, who have the right to rescind a scholarship if they feel the student has not adequately met expectations.
Student Standing: Students who are graduating in May 2025 are not eligible for the Participant Scholarship ($1,000). However, they are eligible for the Team Leader Scholarship if they are selected to be a team leader ($2,500). Learn more about why.
Philanthropy: Forward Membership: All scholarship recipients will be automatically signed up for Philanthropy: Forward, a program of The Barry Foundation (scholarship grantor). Philanthropy: Forward - "Forward" - is a unique community of professionals passionate about making a difference in their collegiate and professional careers. Forward members have opportunities to advance their knowledge and experience in the philanthropic sector while remaining engaged with The Barry Foundation.
Are graduating seniors and graduate students eligible for a scholarship?
Seniors and graduate students who are graduating in May 2025 are only eligible for the $2,500 team leader scholarship. So, if you are graduating in May 2025, please consider becoming a team leader.
Why aren't students who are graduating in May 2024 eligible for the $1,000 participant scholarship?
​The $1,000 scholarships will be applied to the Fall 2025 term. This is because students must complete the P2P experience to receive their scholarship, and the P2P experience ends in May/June of 2025.
When and how will scholarships be disbursed?
All scholarships will be disbursed directly to the university/college registrar and will be applied to the student's academic account balance. Recipients will not receive a physical check made out to them personally.
Team Leader Scholarships: Team Leaders will receive their scholarship in December 20240to be applied to the Spring 2025 term. Should the Team Leader not complete the P2P experience, their scholarship will be pulled.
Team Participant Scholarships: Selected scholarship Participants will receive their scholarship in August 2025 to be applied to the Fall 2025 term. The participant must complete the P2P experience to receive their scholarship.
Scholarships may not be deferred to other semesters or split between multiple semesters.
When will the scholarship application be open to P2P participants?
Expect to apply for the scholarship in January 2025. The P2P coordinators will let everyone know via email when the scholarship application is open.